Hello this is my very first entry on my blog! so far i dont have much to talk about since its barely 2 in the afternoon but anyways time to yap :D At 2 am last night our fire alarms started going off and i could smell something bad and to be honest i was mad. i wasnt mad because there was possibly a house fire but i was mad because i was woken up especially since almost everyday i gotta wake up at 4 am to go to work (and because i immediately knew it was just my sibling fucking around in the kitchen. I left my room to see them waving smoke out the front door because they burnt the steak they were cooking (if youre wondering yes they did eat it anyways) after that fiasco i texted my friend Night a bit then thankfully fell back asleep. Much later i finally woke up forrealsies and of course watched tiktoks cus haha funnys. Then, i finally got up, said goodmorning to my mom, fed the dogs, showered, then made myself something to eat (and washed and put my dishes away too of course) and thats about it so far today :o